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A Voice Crying Out

A Voice Crying Out

Many books, articles, and lectures are accessible concerning the mission of the Church. We must understand that many of these tasks and purposes have an expiration date. One day, the sole purpose of the church will be to glorify God for eternity. There is one aspect we cannot miss during this temporary mission. The mission of the church is similar to John the Baptist. Just as John the Baptist was the forerunner for Jesus’ first coming, so the church is the forerunner for Jesus’ second coming.

John’s beheading

John the Baptist did not allow persecution to dissuade him from the message. The truth of the Christ, and his glory, overcame the reality of persecution. Jesus confirmed this in John 15:18-27, stating that we will be persecuted because he was persecuted, yet he will send the Spirit to be our Helper. Jesus identified with us in this persecution, but we do not battle persecution in the same manner as Jesus. He beheld the power from within his person. We behold the Holy Spirit, who is indwelling us.

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John the Baptist faced his beheading proclaiming the truths of God and calling people into repentance (John 14:1-12). The Church is to face persecution in the power of the Holy Spirit by boldly proclaiming the message of the Savior. The Lord hears our cries (Psalm 34:15-18), the heavens look down pleading (Revelation 6:9-11), and the end is drawing near (1 Peter 4).

John’s Message

The message from John the Baptist stirred the waters. Literally, people were hearing the message of the coming Messiah, turning from their sins, and being baptized. Figuratively, the religious were beginning to get unsettled. No one likes the message of being called a sinner and to turn from their evil ways. That is, until their heart proclaims, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” (John 1:29). The message of John is not just that people are evil and need to repent. His message was repent for the Messiah is near.

Instead of baptizing in preparation for the Messiah, we baptize in light of the risen Savior. Nonetheless, the mission for John is the mission that has been given to us. John the Baptist was preaching a message of repentance to a holy God, pointing to the Messiah that was greater, and teaching his disciples to recognize the Savior.

We live in a world that needs truth but hates the truth. The Church is to engage hostile people with a message that seems insulting to the unchanged heart. We know this is good news for them; however, we must show patience as they do not yet know the goodness. We go forth with the truth in a patient and bold manner because we live among a people in need of a Savior. John was the promised voice preparing for the arrival of the Messiah. The Church is now the voice proclaiming the accomplishments of the Messiah.

Jesus’ Arrival

John the Baptist was born to prepare the way for the first coming of Jesus. The Church was born out of Jesus’ first coming and awaiting the day of his second coming. We have a message of hope because our Savior is coming once and for all to gather us. This is good news because our sin-tainted world and sin-bent flesh will one day be glorified. We have a message of preparing the way for the Savior of the world. We have a hope that persecution will one day be no more. John the Baptist will even have his head, and the Church will be worshipping under her head.

Cry out Church, for Jesus is coming back!


Blessed are those who boldly prepare the way, for they shall proclaim the coming King.

Author Profile
Wesley Lassiter
Lead Pastor at The Rock Church

Wesley Lassiter is Lead Pastor of The Rock Church in The Rock, Georgia. He resides in Thomaston with his wife, Lindsey, and their two young children. At Trinity Christian School in Sharpsburg, Lassiter serves as the Middle School Director of Spiritual Formation and teaches Church History. His life embodies a deep love for theology, education, ecclesiastical history, and family.

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