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What if I told you that you were a theologian? What if I told you that the Bible commands you to be a theologian?

Those questions may scare you or make you laugh. You most likely have in mind that theology is only for the pastors, the smart Christians, or even that theology is not worth our time. Will everyone be a vocational theologian? Absolutely not! (This is a low percentage for even those who desire to be!) I mean that every Christian is called to read God’s Word, study God’s Word, and spend their lives learning about the revelation of God.

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[4] “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. [5] You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. [6] And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. [7] You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. [8] You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. [9] You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:4–9 (ESV)

The study of God’s Word is no light or easy task; however, it is an essential task for the Christian. The Bible is not to be read just like any other book. We do not read page after page looking to be entertained or passively reading words on a page. God’s Word is to be read, meditated on and applied to our lives so that we may know God better and know the life God is calling us to live. The Shema, or Deuteronomy 6:4–9, establishes a pattern of life for growing in our knowledge of God and what this knowledge should lead to. First, we ought to notice a doctrinal statement about God. The Bible reveals, from God, truths that we must learn and know about His character, His mission, and His people. Second, the truths we learn about God must lead to worshiping God. Third, we are called to teach these truths to future generations. Finally, we are to constantly remind and recall these truths to ourselves so that we may live them out and hold them with the utmost importance.

Studying God’s word is not for “elite” Christians. There is no biblical category for elites, but there is a command for all Christians to be faithful. The Lord may call some to preach. He may call on some to teach. He calls on all to proclaim. Our children do not need parents, grandparents, and friends who simply own a Bible and go to church. The future generations need people who will take the study of God’s Word seriously to the point where it affects their hearts and lives. These children need people who are devoted students of God’s word and are actively part of the Church.

Why study theology? God has made Himself known, and He is worthy of knowing. We worship God when we devote our lives to Him, and we proclaim Him to those He has put in our care.


Blessed are you who study and love the Word of God, for you shall know the depths of His truth and lead others to His wisdom. Blessed are you who proclaim the Scriptures, for you shall influence generations and foster a faith for the future of our world.

Author Profile
Wesley Lassiter
Lead Pastor at The Rock Church

Wesley Lassiter is Lead Pastor of The Rock Church in The Rock, Georgia. He resides in Thomaston with his wife, Lindsey, and their two young children. At Trinity Christian School in Sharpsburg, Lassiter serves as the Middle School Director of Spiritual Formation and teaches Church History. His life embodies a deep love for theology, education, ecclesiastical history, and family.

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