Parents, it is almost time for the 2024-2025 school year to get kicked off. No one likes to feel unprepared. What do you need to know to prepare your children for the upcoming academic year?
Here is a comprehensive list to inform you so that you are well prepared.

Reminder of Dates
Open House for all schools is Thursday, July 25, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. This is an opportunity for your children to meet their teachers, receive supply lists, become clear on expectations, and learn their way around the building.
The first day of school is Tuesday, July 30, 2024.
Pack Your Backpack
The Lamar County Family Connection Collaborative along with local businesses are hosting a “Pack Your Backpack” event that coincides with Open House on Thursday, July 25. From 3:00-5:00 pm at the Lamar County Fine Arts Center (126 Burnette Road), students can drop in to receive a bookbag and school supplies. This event is made possible by generous donors and volunteers in the community.
To receive supplies, students must be currently enrolled in the Lamar County School System. Families should attend their students’ respective Open House first to receive their Census Verification Form from their homeroom teacher. Presenting this form at the “Pack Your Backpack” event is required before supplies are distributed.
Lamar County Primary School
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
Kindergarten through 2nd Grades have been provided with the basic classroom necessities for students, including headphones/earbuds. Individual classroom teachers may provide a “wishlist” at Open House on July 25.
Pre-K Supplies
Pre-K Students will need a sleeping mat, blanket, and change of clothes.
Important Information from LCPS
Lamar County Primary School says that they will not be sending welcome letters in the mail due to mail service inconsistencies. If you are unaware of your child’s classroom placement, LCPS staff will be present to direct you to the correct classroom location.
There will be no opportunity to sign up for the after-school program at Open House. Though the list is full now, there will be opportunities to be put on a waiting list after the school year starts.
Lamar County Elementary School
3rd Grade
- 2 pocket folder with prongs
- 4 packs of pencils
- 1 pack cap erasers
- 1 pack skinny Expo markers
- 24 box crayons
- 3 composition notebooks (COW)
- 1 pack copy paper
- 2 pairs of headphones (corded)
- 3 containers of disinfectant
- 3 boxes of tissue
- Page protectors
- Gallon ziploc bags – boys
- Quart ziploc bags – girls
4th Grade
- 1 inch binder
- 4 composition notebooks
- 2-24 pack pencils
- Cap erasers
- Pencil pouch (no box)
- 2- 2 pocket folders
- Pack of dividers
- Notebook paper
- Colored pencils/crayons
- Glue sticks
- Highlighters
- Scissors
- Headphones (corded)
5th Grade
- Notebook paper
- 4 COW notebooks
- 2 inch binder
- Pencils
- Zippered pencil pouch
- Headphones (corded)
- Highlighters
- Glue sticks
- Scissors
- Crayons/colored pencils
- Box of tissues
- Gallon ziploc – boys
- Sandwich ziploc – girls
- Hand sanitizer
- Clorox wipes
Lamar County Middle School
- Pencils
- Notebook paper
- Five 3-prong plastic folders with 2 pockets
- 1 small pack of sheet protectors
- 1 pack of dividers
- 1 composition notebook (cow book)
- Suggestion: Earbuds
Dress Code
See the dress code policy below under “Lamar County High School.”
Band Program
Is your child interested in joining the LCMS band? Come “Test Drive” the different instruments available for the band at LCMS!
- Date: Monday, July 29th
- Time: 5-7pm
- Location: Enter through the back of the school for the “test drive”.
Information about renting or borrowing an instrument from the school for the class will also be provided at this time.
Lamar County High School
Parking Passes
Student Parking Passes are now available for $50.
Student Dress Code Policy (LCHS & LCMS)