So God created man in his own image,
Genesis 1:27 (ESV)
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
In our family there are musicians, singers, artists, builders, writers, seamstresses, and crafters. Even those of us who are less creative have the ability to recognize beauty and even to be somewhat creative when we try. Have you ever wondered why this is? God, the One who spoke it all into being, the Creator of all things, made us in his image. When we build something or play a piece of music, we demonstrate that we are like him. He paints the sunset and gives the birds songs to sing. Every mountain and ocean reflect his creativity. When we see the precious smile of a baby or hear him laugh, we recognize the wonderful design of our Creator.
As I sit here writing this, a blanket of snow covers the ground outside my window. It is a rare thing to see snow like this in Georgia, and it is a beautiful reminder that our God paints this world with colors and textures to his liking. We get to enjoy his creation, just like he does. I am sure some of us will use the creative gifts he has given us and will today build a snowman or fashion a sled so we can enjoy what he has done. I will confess, I took the rare opportunity to make a big snowball which I took inside and threw at my sleeping son. I quite enjoyed that, even if he didn’t.

As you live this day, look around you for signs of His creativity. When you work or play, be aware of how His image shows up in your own actions. Look for his image in other people as they sing or laugh or paint or throw snowballs at you. When we recognize God’s image in others, we see them as he created them. We value their contributions and genuinely desire good things for them. We see past their flaws to their potential. You may be surprised how easy it becomes to see the beauty around you and worship your Creator.
Father, thank you for making me in your image and for placing within me the abilities to create and recognize beauty in your world. Give me eyes to see what you are doing today. Help me see others as you see them, created in your image and loved by their Creator.
Blessed are you who use your creativity, for you glorify your Creator by reflecting His image in His world.

Steve Laughman
Steve Laughman serves as the Mission Strategist for the Centennial Baptist Association, a partnership of over forty churches seeking to make disciples together. He also serves as an elder at The Rock Church where he and his wife, Marni, are members. For more information about the ministries of the Centennial Baptist Association, go to centennialbaptistassociation.